الجمعة، 31 ديسمبر 2010
الثلاثاء، 28 ديسمبر 2010
الاثنين، 20 ديسمبر 2010
الجمعة، 17 ديسمبر 2010
الجمعة، 10 ديسمبر 2010
Sprott says SLV has physical?
I found it interesting in this Sprott piece The Silver Lining that Sprott includes SLV in his table of "real investment demand for silver".
In the context of his point that GFMS and The Silver Institute neglect investment demand, I assume by the use of the word "real" Sprott must mean physical. In which case by including SLV's 305,205,951oz he is therefore saying it does have the physical.
If SLV doesn't, then he shouldn't include it in the table as their holdings would represent fake paper silver. However if he doesn't include SLV then he has no point about GFMS/Silver Institute missing investment demand of 225,783,924oz because without SLV the "aggregate implied investment demand" figure from GFMS/Silver Institute covers the other funds' inflows.
In the context of his point that GFMS and The Silver Institute neglect investment demand, I assume by the use of the word "real" Sprott must mean physical. In which case by including SLV's 305,205,951oz he is therefore saying it does have the physical.
If SLV doesn't, then he shouldn't include it in the table as their holdings would represent fake paper silver. However if he doesn't include SLV then he has no point about GFMS/Silver Institute missing investment demand of 225,783,924oz because without SLV the "aggregate implied investment demand" figure from GFMS/Silver Institute covers the other funds' inflows.
الأربعاء، 8 ديسمبر 2010

One of the most important things You can do as a trader is to control your risk. In other words pre-set a point that You have determined that You could possibly be wrong.
Remember, trading isn't hard, it is just tricky because everyday the market does the same thing, it moves up and down and sideways and gets choppy. It not only does this every day, but every week, every month and every year. Your job is to determine the primary direction of the market's movement and try to profit from that knowledge.
Sounds easy, but there are hidden traps in the market to snag You, and keep things interesting. Market Makers are always trying to to trick You before taking price strongly against You. They are attempting to trap You in a losing position. This happens everyday in the market, and it WILL eventually happen to You too.
You advantage is in keeping your losses small. Have a predetermined amount of pips the You are willing to lose. Once You have determined that amount, 'say 20 pips or so on a short term trade, MAKE NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!
A FREE RUNNING LOSS can be a major game changer!
It should not take a -200 pips in short term trading before You realize that You have loss Your advantage. If You are telling yourself "Ah it will come back", chances are very good that You are already in trouble!
Being a pro traders does mean that you never take losses, being a Pro Trader means that You never let losses take You out of the game!!!
If You are telling yourself "Ah it will come back", chances are very good that You are already in trouble!
الاثنين، 6 ديسمبر 2010
الأربعاء، 1 ديسمبر 2010
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