الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2012

Re-Group Try again

Sometimes success in forex just comes through persistence. Many times the success isn't to the swift or the smartest, because I think most people who trade forex are extremely smart, but to the persistent.  Forex like any other discipline has a learning curve and for some of us it was a little steeper than for some others......lol, but like any other great profession it is a skill that can be learned.  Success in forex is about the ability to wait and the courage to act even after some disappointing attempts. Many times it is solely the courage to try and try again that is the difference between success and failure for a forex trader.  Trading a good strategy isn't enough, it is trading a good strategy with consistent discipline that creates the separation between traders.  Some days it is about looking rejection in the face and being determined that it won't beat You.  These are the times that You have to be able to dust off and try again when the market has refused Your entry ticket.  Don't be reckless, but be willing to re-execute a good plan if it fail.  That's where many traders miss it, they have an amazing plan, but after a few rejections from the market, they give up.  Trading isn't about never losing, trading is about have the guts and fortitude to WIN!


الأحد، 20 مايو 2012

I'll Have ANOTHER Open Forum


One of my insightful younger forex Friends sent this to me in part of an email and I ask him for permission to share it--

"I hate losing..." It's human nature to avoid pain...when it's cold outside your first instinct is to put on a jacket to protect yourself from it's effects...The thing with trading is, many times you temporarily reverse this pain avoidance instinct when you are on the wrong side of the trade, so that you can make the best decision.  Natural impulse is to avoid the negative feelings you get from closing out a loser...but it keeps you in control.Basically the forex trading decisions we make reveal a lot about us.  

Successful trading requires our ability to temporarily overcome our natural impulse to avoid pain out of the trust in the greater pleasure that will come down the road from capital preservation and ultimately success.

It takes being very forward thinking to make this mental leap, but it's well worth it. The real key is trusting it and doing it consistently.

Enough said, I thought it was brilliantly put..........this is the attitude that makes superstar traders (^_^).

Thanks L56,