الثلاثاء، 31 يوليو 2012


Money in your pocket is better than money in Your mind.  Many times we will not protect our capital because of the big money dreams in our minds, while losing real money out of our pockets to a trade that is moving further against us.  The market can be frustrating and tricky and most market set-ups are fake-outs, therefore it is vital to protect the capital You have for the  few times the market will give You legitimate profitable set-ups.  The challenge with the set-ups is that so many of them look legitimate, that is why they are fake outs.  If You spend 24 hours trading from a shorter term time frame, most of your entries will be bust, so it is imperative that You choose Your trade set-ups and times carefully.

There are times that are more likely to give You a trading advantage, like economic reports, the times in the market that your currency pair is most active; times of breakouts after consolidations, breakouts after consolidation in harmony with Your trend, reversal candles at resistance/support, etc.  Even with the best preparation, it is possible to enter a bad trade set-up; that is why You must be prepared to cut a bad trade when Your rules are violated and wait for another set-up.

  There are times that the market will act up so badly that most people will abandon a perfectly profitable system.  Since trading isn't hard, it must be tricky in order for You to lose money.  More people lose money in the market because of emotions gone awry than they do bad trading systems.  It is hard to sit and wait for a trade and get stopped out or be stopped out at breakeven, or to wait for a market that is choppy.  The market is going to move and find a direction, but what You don't know is when???????

Trading is not for the faint-hearted nor for the perfectionist.  If You are going to succeed as a trader, You must be tenacious and You must know that there is no perfect system.  There are just too many external factors involving too many human beings to make a perfect system.  The system is perfectly random, and looking for perfection or stability will tire You out fast.   Wearing Your emotions thin is the best strategy the forex market has and it works.  Remember the market can be crazy longer than You can stay solvent, so be sure to protect the money in Your pocket first even when You get tired and frustrated.  I hate the market games, but they are there and they are there to break You, but You have to decide how it is that You want to live and be willing to have the discipline it takes to enjoy that lifestyle. 


#1 PROTECT YOUR WEALTH (You can only build on what You have preserved)
#2 BUILD WEALTH (The market will eventually find direction and when it does, be there to ride the train all the way into the station)


Deer and elk migrating to gold

Like this from "blogger" David Edwards recent market comments:

"... the recent tone in Washington D C has been one that castigates those who work hard to earn more. Everyone understands that this is a pre-emptive claim on citizens' private assets by a greedy government. During the Roosevelt administration the tone was similar. The result was the same: anyone with money kept a low profile and cut back on consumption and investment prolonging the depression and high unemployment for years.

When you go to a gold mine during hunting season you see lots of deer and elk hanging around the property. These animals sense that they are safe in these no hunting zones. In the coming years, anyone with assets will do the same. The reports from Starbucks and other businesses that service upper income clients is telling me that the migration has begun."

AUD/USD H4 Update

Right on target area. SPOT ON!

Good level to short if this is end of cycle.
What do we need to confirm this is really end of cycle? We need impulsive 5 wave structure down from this suspected top. It must break wave Y support and H1 ( and preferably H4) candle close below wave Y. This could be the first clue that top is in.


EUR/USD H4 Update

One more to the downside to finish wave (b)


Crude Oil H4 Update

Correction might turn complex.


GBP/JPY H4 Update

Correction continues.


USD/CHF H4 Update

So far very simple correction.


S&P500 SPX E-mini Futures H4 Update

We need wave (v) to the upside to start correction. Might be ending diagonal.


الأحد، 29 يوليو 2012

Dessert: A Special One - S&P500

"It is all about timming, not price" as G. Lindsay used to say.

Timming details:

Three Peaks last shorten than usual (140 days abot half of normal duration).
From bottom Base spike to recent  corrective  channel high is 210 days.
From bottom Base spike to SHS Top Copula is 123 (about half of normal duration)
From second Base spike to recent corrective channel high is 217 days


Shortage followup questions

Some good questions from a thread on my shortage interview at silverstackers.com forum, cut and paste below:


In that interview I was sort of covering the material in this discussion.

The summary text "invest large amounts of capital towards ramping up production" I think got mixed up, what I was saying was WHILE production has been expanded, it is not enough.

When push comes to shove, Depository clients will get preferential supply for collection requests as we have a legal obligation to make delivery whereas we don't have a legal obligation to sell coins to someone off the street, so to speak.


And yet, even though there were two month delivery lead times, it didn't move the price of silver at all in 2008/09. there was no price spike to reflect the demand pressures in the investment market and the apparently constrained supply. It was very interesting as an investor participating and not at all what one would expect. But then the reason was it wasn't the raw material that was in short supply, only the blanks for coins. Although I recall delays on bars as well.

So is the point here that there may be physical delays, but don't necessarily interpret that as a resource availability issue? But if the price does move, what would it mean? Does the price just come down to the paper markets and the manipulations of it by TPTB?


The thing about rationing or high premiums is that it takes pressure off the underlying wholesale market. For example if people are paying 40% premiums for silver coins when the normal is 10% premium, then $30 out of every $140 spent is going to retailers/mints as extra profits rather than buying more silver. If mints were able to keep up then of that $140, $130 would be going to buying (or bidding up the price) of silver.

Excess premiums, whether it is in coins or say PSLV, just means less ounces are being bought. That is why I don't think high premiums are anything to celebrate.

The price is driven by both the physical market and paper market, which is more dominant changes over time.


Would you not agree tho that paper is the dominant market? Say for example just as a thought exercise that just silver alone was for some unexpected reason deemed only acceptable in it's physical form as a means of trade and that all the phantom paper Silver disappeared overnight due to some sort of black swan event.

People who have an PMDS for example cant just pick up the phone and buy X amount instantly and those sorts with unallocated accounts etc cant just use their phone to "say" they actually own it, they have to physically produce it.


Certainly paper often has the upper hand, but many desk-based commentators who aren't in the markets don't realise how much physical is also traded. Blogger FOFOA has a theory that since bullion bank unallocated accounts are fractionally backed bullion bankers are particularly concerned when the physical market starts to suck out metal, draining their reserves (which if left unchecked could take too much physical and result in a bullion bank run). His theory is they push the price UP (not down) as that means the same dollars buy LESS ounces, taking pressure off their reserves. I hope this gives one example of how complex the physical vs paper dynamics can be.

Not sure I understand your point about PMDS. If we went to a physical only market then we would only sell to a PMDS client if we could get/had physical silver.


Now I know it's a far flung what if and an extreme example, and I am not by any means saying that the Perth Mint itself is selling more Silver on paper than what it physically holds, but there are many examples around the world of paper precious metals magically teleporting from or too certain vaults with nothing more than the push of a keyboard and a few typed lines of evidence to say that they actually exist. Literally millions of ounces that would need a convoy of armoured car's and associated security personnel to transport that don't actually happen in the real physical world.


It is a common misunderstanding that the ETF allocations involve physical movement. As most of them store their metal in London, all that is happening is that silver already in the vault (which belonged to someone else who sold it to a bullion bank) is just sold to the ETF authorised participant and they just change a computer record saying that bar in the vault now belongs to the ETF AP (who then transfers title to the ETF trust).


Q: Would you as a personal investor in precious metals trust anyone else apart from the Perth Mint if you invested solely in paper or unallocated Precious Metals ?


It all comes down to the custodian. You either trust them or not. If you don't then not even allocated will be safe. Regarding unallocated, I don't think apart from ourselves and Kitco that there are many who explicitly state that their unallocated is 100% backed, and that is really only possible for businesses which have physical as part of their business. If you are buying unallocated from a bank, then very high chance it is being lent in some form as that is what banks do.


Sorry Bron two questions actually, And this one go's back to the statement I quoted of yours above. Q: Do you think the paper market is manipulated by able bodied self interested parties? Again I ask this with no reflection on the Perth Mint as they are not a Bank or associated with the rise and fall of the stock market etc just on your statement on the physical and paper market.


I would not be surprised if the metals markets are manipulated, but as we are not traders in the big paper markets (eg COMEX) we don't have any evidence one way or the other. However I don't believe the metals markets are suppressed, which I distinguish from manipulation (which is short term). Suppressed means the price is kept lower over a number of years. Those who think this way don't appreciate (or is that respect) the power of the physical market, by which I mean to suppress you ultimately have to supply physical to the market and there is only so much above ground in the hands of the central bankers.


Yes, all metal is NOT held physically at PM... all explained in goldchat.


To clarify, unallocated is backed by physical in our operations in Perth, but also by some physical in transit and temporarily sitting in overseas warehouses on its way to distributors, and by a bit of unallocated held with bullion banks (which is converted to physical on a regular basis). If you're not comfortable with the unallocated business model then go with allocated. 85% of Depository clients (by ounces) hold unallocated, the rest allocated.

Matthew 26:14

"Bron Suchecki, who's in charge of strategy for the famed Perth Mint, is warning all precious metals investors that the next crisis will lead to heightened precious metals demand so expect shortages and mint rationing. This is exactly what happened in 2008, and the next crisis could very well be worse." Curious statement. In 2008 the ass fell out of silver while there was a supposed physical shortage? Defies logic and economic norms.


You're confused because you're not using precise terminology. Restated: "In 2008 the ass fell out of silver due to selling by leveraged paper players needing cash to pay for other losses, while there was a physical shortage of RETAIL sized coins and bars." In fact, the leveraged paper selling, because of arbitrage, would have resulted in associated physical wholesale sized silver (ie 1000oz) bars coming into the market. This is why we didn't have any problem getting hold of 1000oz bars out of London during 2008 even while we were maxed out in the factory making coins.

EUR/USD H4 Update

Bears beware.


EUR/JPY H4 & Daily Update

So far, so good, very nice behaviour.


DAX Futures Daily Update

Bearish impulsive count has been invalidated. No more Double Zig-Zag possibility. Complex ABC pattern emerging.


USD/CHF H4 Update

Gold XAUUSD H4 Update

 Looks like my trianlge count is in danger...

Gann line break up does not help as well...


GBP/JPY H4 Update

This pair is behaving very properly recently.


GBP/USD H4 Update

Two possible levels to go short.


Non-Linear regression analysis (128) shows that price hit the resistance so we might expect puulback for now. Higher degree period analysis (256) shows more downside in the future.

S&P500 SPX E-mini Futures H4 & Daily Update

Break through the top would invaldate my bearish view.

Non-Linear regression analysis shows thatwe might be in process of forming domed top and points for more downside in the future.


AUD/USD Daily & H4 Update

We are very close to finish this correction with two count presented on chart.

ALT. count implies that whole correction is ABC not Double Zig-Zag.


الخميس، 26 يوليو 2012

EUR/USD H4 Update

We just finished correction.


Crude Oil H4 Update

Good level for short.


EUR/JPY H4 Update

NASDAQ Futures Daily Update

Correction might be over for now unless it is complex correction.


DAX Futures Daily Update

61% Fib Retracement hit.

Beware of sharp wave 3 decline unless this is over oh simple abc correction.


GBP/JPY H4 Update

Complex correction ahead.


USD/CHF H4 Update

Firs leg of correction done.


GBP/USD H4 Update

Looks like if the price will not retrace  from here, then look for 1.59000 to be hit as a possible top.


S&P500 SPX H4 Update

Simple correction is done.

Tomorrow triger to start wave 3: GDP good number so no QE3 and we got sell off.


AUD/USD H4 Update

As I said: good level to short now.


AUD/USD H4 Update

Correction continue to grind higher.

For agrresive shoer You can place an order now to short into 61% FibRetracment or wait for price to fill the gap and short into 1.0400 level with stops above high.


EUR/USD H4 Update

Will it work?


EUR/JPY H4 Update

So far, so good.

More upside possible.


UDF/CHF H4 Update

Triangle breakout possible.


GBP/JPY H4 Update

Possible Ending Diagonal Forming


Crude Oil H4 Update

Litte more to the upside to finish the correction.


S&P500 SPX E-mini Futures H4 Update

So far trend line has been broken and tested.

Notice there is no close above the trend line.


Gold XAUUSD H4 & Daily Elliott + Gann Update

More downside to be expected aroud this level 1610 but price might hit 100SMA at 1617 before reversing.

Downthrust from triangle is orange rectangle projection.

Gann chart scaled to 176pip/per bar/ per day


الثلاثاء، 24 يوليو 2012

Expect Precious Metals Shortages During The Next Crisis

Fear mongering is the stock in trade of most gold commentators/spin merchants it seems, so here is my modest contribution in this interview with Kerry Lutz :)

Seriously, the industry's limited (in the face of mass market demand) production capacity is just a fact, and one I've covered many times before on this blog (see the Shortage label).

I got a lot of grief in this forum discussion about why the Perth Mint wasn't massively expanding capacity for the obvious demand surge that would happen in the future. I covered that briefly in the interview - shock - minting is not that profitable compared to other investment opportunities. The result is no entrepreneurial money goes into building mints.

As an example, look at where the entrepreneurial effort has gone in precious metals - distribution, eg GoldMoney & BullionVault. These are low cost software based businesses which haven't even bothered to build and run their own vaults. That's not a criticism, it is smart business. Who wants to spend $100m+ builidng a start of the art high volume precious metal mint to earn revenue of 4.5% on a 1oz coin? Note, 4.5% is gross revenue, not profit. There ain't much left after operational costs, depreciation, tax etc.

As I say in the interview, it may only be increasing premiums which will draw investment into the industry. However, that will take time to translate into extra capacity. The end result I see is sustained high premiums, which will make pooled metal "products" like Perth Mint Depository, GoldMoney, & BullionVault and, unfortunately, ETFs, a lot more attractive to the mass market coming into precious metals for the first time.

Crude Oil H4 Update

Small correction is over.
More downside to come.
